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Choose your pricing plan
Find one that works for you
1,799$Every yearI need to stay informed and knowledgeable with periodic 1 on 1 support.Â- $1999 after 12/01/24
- Education: Priority access to monthly DEIB Academy modules
- Roundtable discussions: Priority access to peer discussions
- Expert advice: 60 min strategy session with expert (4 p/yr)
- Virtual Q & A: Research/Information requests (1 per mo).
- Opportunity to join special interest groups
- 10% discount on additional services
2,499$Every monthI need it all plus ongoing strategic support from a DEI Expert on a P/T basis.Â- Education: Priority access to monthly DEI modules
- Roundtable discussions: Priority access to peer discussions
- Expert advice: 60 min strategy session with expert (12 p/yr)
- Virtual Research/Information requests (unlimited).
- Expert Consulting: up to 15 hours per month
- Opportunity to join special interest groups
- Discounts: 20% on additional consulting services
2,499$Every yearI need to stay informed and knowledgable w/monthly 1 on 1 ongoing strategic support.Â- $2999 after 12/01/24
- Education: Priority access to monthly DEI modules
- Roundtable discussions: Priority access to peer discussions
- Expert advice: 60 min strategy session with expert (12 p/yr)
- Virtual Research/Information requests (Up to 5 per mo).
- Opportunity to join special interest groups
- Expert Consulting: up to 12 hrs per year
- Discounts: 15% on additional consulting services
1,299$Every yearI want to level up my knowledge and DEIB leaning w/12 months of Masterclasses and peer discussions.Â- $1499 after 12/1/2024
- Education: Priority access to all monthly DEI modules
- Roundtable discussions: Priority access to peer discussions
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