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De-biasing Hiring




2 hours


About the Course

During this comprehensive training session, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a detailed exploration of the complex interplay between blindspots and biases and their profound influence on the hiring process. Through a series of engaging activities, discussions, and real-world case studies, attendees will be able to uncover the subtle yet powerful ways in which unconscious prejudices can subtly infiltrate and impact recruitment decisions.

By delving into specific examples and scenarios, participants will gain a nuanced understanding of how these hidden biases can manifest and influence the evaluation of candidates. The training will not only shed light on the existence of these blindspots but will also empower individuals with practical strategies and tools to recognize, challenge, and ultimately mitigate the effects of such biases in their hiring practices.

Through interactive exercises and collaborative learning experiences, attendees will develop a heightened awareness of their own implicit biases and learn how to cultivate a more inclusive and equitable recruitment process. By fostering a culture of awareness and accountability, the training aims to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to make fair, unbiased, and informed hiring decisions that prioritize merit and diversity.

Your Instructor

Sherry Snipes

Sherry Snipes

Sherry is a dynamic facilitator who is committed to lifelong learning and sharing her knowledge and resources. She an experienced DEI professional that has developed and conducted DEI trainings for many audiences.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far go together​

African proverb

2019 by Global Diversity Collaborative ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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